Factual is an agency that helps non-fiction producers—authors, magazines, podcast and documentary production networks—publish projects with airtight accuracy.

We match our clients with a vetted Factual fact-checker.


    You are a leader and don’t want to be discredited – not even for the smallest inaccuracy.


    Avoid the hassle of interviewing multiple fact-checkers. Factual does the matching for you.


    Our trained fact-checkers are able to deliver quality work on deadline

  • “Fact-checking is perhaps the most underappreciated skill in journalism and publishing—even though it can be the difference between authority and calamity. Putting your work through a dedicated fact-checking process can be daunting, but I encourage everyone to make that commitment, because it has saved me from countless problems as an editor, reporter, and publisher."

    – Bobbie Johnson, editor, journalist and publisher

  • "Wudan Yan and her fact-checking agency, Factual, provided exceptional service for my short film documentary. The process was quick and easy, with Wudan offering a step-by-step guide on preparing my document for fact-checking. Her comprehensive report was delivered promptly, giving me confidence in the accuracy of my work. I highly recommend Factual for anyone seeking thorough and efficient fact-checking services."

    - John P. Wheatley, award winning film & TV director

  • “I reached out to Wudan with a specific budget and a pretty tight timeline for fact-checking a book manuscript — and she was able to refer me to a fact-checker whose rates matched our budgets and whose availability matched our timeline (and the fact checking was immaculate). I send anyone who needs a fact checker to Wudan (or the woman she referred me to!)"

    — Anne Helen Petersen, author of OUT OF OFFICE, CAN’T EVEN

  • “Fact checking is an essential yet highly challenging job, so you only want to hire the best. I am incredibly grateful for Wudan's excellent recommendations. My fact checkers were professional and excellent, and my book is so much better for them."

    – Melinda Wenner Moyer, journalist and author of HOW TO RAISE KIDS WHO AREN’T ASSHOLES

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