Factual is always on the lookout for quality fact-checkers who specialize in narrative, investigative, litigious, or scientific projects. We review applications on a rolling basis.

Applications sent in by.....

Sept 30

December 31

March 31

June 30

Will be reviewed by.....

Jan 15

March 31

June 30

Sept 30


You have fact-checked projects within a year of your application.

You specialize in pre-publication fact-checking. We are not considering applications who conduct post-publication fact-checking.

You are able to provide contact information for individuals who you have fact-checked for, as specified in the application.

Please note: due to the overwhelming number of applications, we will not be able to provide direct feedback on individual applications

FAQ for prospective fact-checkers

  • In journalism, fact-checking is a third-party review of the facts that will appear in a published piece. It’s a very specific skillset, separate from reporting, that involves the independent verification of facts. As such, you can not ‘fact-check’ your own work. Finding reputable sources for facts that appear in your own work is not fact-checking. That’s reporting.

  • FACTUAL will be working with clients to ensure that what they publish won’t result in corrections or retractions. As such, FACTUAL prioritizes fact-checkers who have experience with pre-publication fact-checking. Post-publication fact-checking is what organizations like PolitiFact do. While useful, the skillset needed for pre-publication fact-checking is unique from debunking of published facts.

  • Similar to how fact-checkers independent vet facts based on sourcing material, FACTUAL independently verifies all fact-checkers who apply for quality.  Fact-checkers are asked to provide work samples and contact materials for writers and managers they have collaborated with in the past.

  • It is important for FACTUAL to partner with fact-checkers who have been actively doing the work. References are more likely to remember you and the quality of your work if you collaborated with them in the last year.

  • FACTUAL will reach out to fact-checkers in the database when the right project comes along.

  • Yes! It’s encouraged to maintain your own pool of clients independent of FACTUAL to help gain experience and expertise.

  • If you are approaching fact-checking as someone who has produced and written works of nonfiction, I would start by telling clients you work with that you will be offering fact-checking as a new service. I discuss the art of breaking into a new service offering on my podcast, The Writers’ Co-op. (Please consult this following episode.) Continue to pitch yourself to clients, and make it known to others that you are available for fact-checking work. I would also advise you to read The Chicago Guide to Fact-Checking to better understand what the craft entails.