Factual’s vetted pool of fact-checkers have the capacity and skills to work on:
White papers for nonprofits, foundations, or other organizations
Nonfiction books, including memoir, self-help, and children's books
Magazine articles
Documentary film or television series
Our fact-checkers utilize old-school magazine journalism fact-checking standards and are highly collaborative and dedicated to getting your story right.
We onboard clients by reviewing your submission, conducting a 30-minute discovery call, providing feedback on your annotated drafts, and asking you to fill out a survey to dig into your fact-checking needs. All of Factual’s clients will receive a license for HOW TO ANNOTATE JUST ABOUT ANYTHING FOR FACT-CHECKING to assist in your annotation process for fact-checking.
General pricing guidelines (Note: Factual can help craft custom proposals based on complexity, turnaround time, and other factors )
Nonfiction book projects (70,000-80,000 words): minimum $10,000
Limited-series nonfiction podcast (8 episodes per season, 35 min per episode): minimum $10,000
Documentary films: minimum $2000 per 15min of run time
We are excited to collaborate with you! If you’re looking for a fact-checker, get in touch via the form below.
(* = required)